Photo Pamela Raith

legally blonde
regent's park open air theatre, london

When it was announced that award-winning musical co-director and writer of SIX, Lucy Moss would be staging a new modern revival of Legally Blonde at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre there was a lot of buzz surrounding it. In the year that this internationally -renowned theatre celebrates its 90th anniversary, this new production is the right level of boldness and ambition we need in a modern theatre landscape. 

Legally Blonde began as a series of letters written by Amanda Brown to her friend Serena, narrating the miserable time she experienced at Stanford Law School. Although people will probably know the cult classic film that was released in 2001. 21 years ago Reese Witherspoon bought Amanda's letters to life as Elle Woods, a character named after her favourite magazine. Of course, it didn't stop there because it also became a hit musical with a book by Heather Hach with music and lyrics by Laurence O'Keefe and Nell Benjamin

This musical is easily identifiable in its story. Elle Woods (Courtney Bowman) and her college sweetheart Warner Huntington III (Alistair Toovey) have the perfect popular high-school relationship. That's until Warner says he needs someone 'serious' and heads to Harvard Law School. Elle wants to prove him wrong and gets herself into Harvard Law School in pursuit of love. However, it is about what she discovers about herself and life along the way. This new revival though is remarkably beautiful. It sits within the modern world well with well-crafted references to social media that blend so well and stays on the familiar path. 

Photo Pamela Raith

Photo Pamela Raith

Moss has directed an inclusive production like no other with this revival of Legally Blonde. It is a show that embraces difference and diversity on every level. The diverse cast defines what it is to celebrate individuality, modelling the Legally Blonde's foundations that it is important to be ourselves. Whilst also having the time of their lives time after time in a show like this! 

The cast of this production always drove people to go and see it, making a huge stance for the need for more representation in the industry as a whole. They have enabled a hit of a musical to feel brand new and exciting, as well as inspiring future performers with what they see on this stage. Leading the cast is Courtney Bowman as Elle Woods. Bowman is spectacular in her bold and warm presentation of Elle and was hands-down inspiring casting. She holds her absolute own from the start and her rendition of the title song 'Legally Blonde' leaves you speechless. 

Alongside her as Emmett is Michael Ahomka-Lindsay. Recently starring in the UK tour of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, his natural charm and soft-hearted voice does well in this role. Everyone laughed out loud at the joyous Nadine Higgins as Paulette, especially in her popular rendition of 'Ireland'. The audience was astounded by Lauren Drew when she 'Whipped Into Shape' as Brooke; a beautifully aging Delta Nu sorority sister who is accused of murdering her husband and of whom Elle represents in court.  

There was also the fabulous trio of girlfriends who become a Greek chorus in her mind and support Elle in finding her way. Issac Hesketh, Hannah Yun-Chamberlain, and Grace Mouat are easily noticeable in their energetic stage presence throughout.  

However, I do think it is the ensemble that really encapsulates this show. With very little traditional scenery change and instead some cleverly constructed use of props, it is them who use energetic choreography from Ellen Kane and a variety of different characters in Legally Blonde to life. Particularly Liam McCoy who was side-splitting hilarious as Bruiser donning an entire costume suit. admirable in the 30-degree heat we experienced whilst watching the show! 

Legally Blonde is the show you want to see right now! It is a joyous show for everyone - no matter what your race, sexuality, or how you define yourself! It is the inclusive shows of all shows right now! 

Legally Blonde is performing at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre until 2 July 2022. Book your tickets here.

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