The Full Monty UK Tour is based on the 1997 smash hit that has been adapted for the stage by Oscar-winning writer Simon Beaufoy, who wrote the original screenplay back in the 90s and is now bringing this cheeky but fun performance to it's audiences. The productions centres around a group of employed men from Sheffield. Becoming desperate for cash to support themselves, they decide on starting a male-strip show, with their unique selling point being they will do "The Full Monty".

They managed to really capture the Sheffield accent, as well as state of the working class in the late 1980's. The production emphasises on the decline of employment in a response to the impact of Margaret Thatcher's hold over the Sheffield's fine steel industry that was so important to Sheffield's lifestyle. Right-winged policies of Thatcher meant that there was a lot of temporary employments, lay-offs and as well as rapid closures of businesses, they weren't able to cope with her idea of lowering wages for higher output. Redundancies in Sheffield were taking place at a rate of around 1000 a month and dropped lower with the privatisation of the British Steel Corporation. 

'Life goes on, but The Full Monty captures that moment when a way of life that had seemed eternal was suddenly gone for good' as described in the programme by John Good. 

Photo Credit: Matt Crockett
This latest production of this hit production have a cast whose collection of both Theatre and TV credentials are bursting at the wings. Lead by Gary Lucy as the lead role of Gaz with support from a great cast in the form of Andrew Dunn, Louis Emerick, Chris Fountain, Anthony Lewis and Kai Owen. They really captured the struggle as well as the companionship one another needed to get through the tough times, as well as capturing how far a bit of inspiration can do to bring people together too. 

I was definitely excited as a Hollyoaks fan to see their Chris Fountain make a a stage debut that will be remembered for all the right reasons, trust me it's worth watching just for that.  

The only thing which let me down a little with this production was it lack of sound which made it difficult to hear the Sheffield dialect from some of the actors on stage. In a venue that is so vast a lot of voice was lost making it difficult at times to understand what was going on and with roars of laughter from the audience, this made it just as difficult. 

The play didn't have a musical element, but I feel like this worked in their favour within the context of the play and made up for it when some songs were played from the original film, including Hot Chocolate's You Sexy Thing. The comedic elements were really embedded well within the script making it for a really enjoyable performance that is simply perfect for a girls night out. 

This performance definitely gave me a lot more action on a typical Monday night and would definitely recommend you go along with your gal pals for a fun and flirty night out at the theatre not to be missed.

thanks for reading,
*I was gifted this ticket in exchange for a review, but all words and opinions are my own.
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  1. Can you believe I've never actually seen this movie?! Would love to see this show, I bet it would be so much fun x

  2. I love this film, and would love to see the stage show, I bet the atmosphere was amazing x

  3. I never saw this movie. I actually never knew about it. LOL. I may be living under the rock.

  4. I am sooo excited to see this!! It will be such a feel good sho wI am sure and your review makes me even more excited! Maybe feedback to them about the sound?

  5. The Full Monty UK Tour sounds great, we loved watching the film in the 90's and Robert Carlyle was amazing in the original x

  6. I enjoyed the film version of this and the stage show looks great as well! I would enjoy seeing this, and it sounds like you really enjoyed it as well, apart from the issues with the sound.

  7. this review! Great piccys too :)

  8. Looks like you had a really fun time. Thanks for sharing x

  9. Very interesting! Never heard of it before

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I had no idea this was now onstage and with Chris Fountain, wow!

  12. The film is fantastic! Would be great to see the stage show.

  13. Hahaha. This sounds AMAZING. I love the movie, so Im sure i'd definitely enjoy this show!

  14. I can see you had an amazing time. Loving the photos.

  15. I saw the movie of this years ago, bet the show was really good although it's a shame you couldn't hear it very well.

  16. Sounds like it would be a worth while show!! Shame that the volume and levels in there weren't so good!

  17. I've never heard of the movie but now I'm very interested! Seems hilarious with a great storyline!

  18. I loved the film! Had no idea it was a stage production though, I'll have to try and get tickets x

  19. This sounds like it would be so good to see on stage! I loved the film! xo

  20. seen a few people going to this, wish I did haha xo

  21. must admit, i opened this whilst at work and didnt expect a peach to appear on my screen haha now this sounds like a must watch

    1. oopsss sorry for the peach whilst you were working hun, aha! x

  22. I love the film but haven't yet seen the stage version. Looks a treat!

  23. I've never seen the film but I've always wanted to, I'd love to see it on stage too!

  24. sound really fun. I loved the filmed, I haven't seen it in years and really fancy watching it again now

  25. Ah I went to see this when it was in Hull, and I bloody loved it! We had front row seats and I managed to catch a shirt at the end. ;-)
    Ashton xx

    1. Ahhh that's so cool, lucky you! :) I loved it too, we had to rush off just as they did their final dance because of getting my friend back to the train station for her train, gutted much?! x

  26. This is one of my favourite films and I would love to see the stage show version of it!

    1. I haven't seen the film in ages so watching this has made me want to watch it all over again aha!

  27. Can you take me with you next time?! I love this film but never seen it in the theatre... I bet I would of loved it. Next time I'm hiding in your bag!

    1. I will definitely take you to the shows with me soon for sure, love taking friends but there's some that Jordan actually wants to go to aha! x

  28. It's been an age since I've been to the theatre and I love your review of this. For some reason I was sure it was a musical!

    1. I know I thought it was a musical too but I was pleasantly surprised that it was a play and how much I enjoyed it tbf! :) xx


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